
Sunday, December 12, 2010


is a word
that is used to describe
something one-of-a-kind
like a hug
or a sunset
or a person who spreads love
with a smile or kind gesture.

(¨`·.·´¨)           (¨`·.·´¨)  
`·.¸(¨`·.·´¨)        `·.¸(¨`·.·´¨)
`·.¸.·´           `·.¸.·´

describes people
who act from the heart
and keep in mind the hearts of others


applies to something,
that is admired and precious
which can never be replaced.

(¨`·.·´¨)           (¨`·.·´¨)  
`·.¸(¨`·.·´¨)        `·.¸(¨`·.·´¨)
`·.¸.·´           `·.¸.·´

is the word
that best describes


The interview is an opportunity for both, the interviewer and the candidate to market themselves. The employer is selling the organization to you, and you are marketing your skills, knowledge, and personality to the employer. Remember that interviews are varied and so they cannot therefore be easily categorized.
Following are some human resource interview tips:

Be prepared
Preparation increases confidence. Practice with your friends or relatives. Remember that everyone who is interviewing is not necessarily a good interviewer.
You may prepare by reviewing magazine and newspaper articles. You may check out their web site. Read your resume before your interview. It will keep your answers fresh.

Location and punctuality
Find out the location of organization. Make sure you have a map or directions as well as information of the nearest railway station.
Arrive 5-10 minutes early. Arriving early will give you the opportunity to read some information on the company in the reception area.

Be professional
Professional look always helps for good impression. Be careful about your dressing. Be aware of the company culture and ensure you dress to impress. Decide what you are going to wear the night before to avoid making the wrong choices.

Be polite
Don't interrupt to the interviewer. Listen very carefully. Poor listening skills are responsible for the bad impression.
If the interview is being conducted in a restaurant, mind your table manners. If the interviewers are serious and soft-spoken, then you should be same as interviewer. Avoid loud laughter during the interviewer.

Be positive
Keep in mind that there is only one chance to make a first impression. Every company wants employees who are goal-oriented, career-driven, enthusiastic and motivated. Be the employee as they want. End the interview on a positive note. The hiring official needs to know that you are interested, enthusiastic and excited about the position and the company.

Be practical
If you are experienced then the interviewer already knows your current salary and benefits package. When the topic of salary comes up state that you know they will make a fair offer.
If you are offered the position during the interviewing process and you want the job then accept it. If the offer is not acceptable for any reason, ask for time to consider the offer.

Human resource interview tips - Do This 

Have a firm handshake.

Be sincere and direct.

Introduce yourself in a courteous manner.

Read company materials while you wait.

You have to prepare for questions and listen carefully to the interviewer.

Ask about the next step in the process.

Thank the interviewer.

Learn about the Human Resources Analyst Program and understand the different facets of human resources.

You never know what the interviewer will ask you about, so be prepared to talk about anything you have included on your resume. You should be truthful about your experiences and skills.

Human resource interview tips - Don't do this

Don't show depression or discouragement.

Don't start the topics like salary, benefits or working hours.

Don't look at your watch.

Don't take extensive notes.

Don't be too serious.

Follow up
Always write a thank you note immediately after the interview. If there are number of interviewers then send a copy of thank you letter to each person. Summarize your qualifications and how they meet the expectations of the position.

 Ask about the information you researched.
 Describe my job duties.
 Is this a newly created position?
 What are the companies short and long term goals?
 What do you like most about working for this company?
 What is a typical day like for you?
 To whom would I report?
 Whom will I supervise?
 Tell me about the training program I will experience.
 What is the company's promotional policy?
 With whom will I be working most closely?
 When can I expect to hear from you?

 What are your strengths and weaknesses?
 Tell me about yourself.
 What are your team-player qualities? Give examples.
 Of the courses you have had at college which courses have you enjoyed the most?
 What is your GPA? How do you feel about it? Does it reflect your abilities?
 How have your educational and work experiences prepared you for this position?
 What work experiences have been most valuable to you and why?
 What have the experiences on your resume taught you about managing and working with people?
 Of the hobbies and interests listed on your resume what is your favorite and tell me why?
 Where do you see yourself in five years?
 What goals have you set for yourself? How are you planning to achieve them?
 To what do you owe your present success?
 Why should I hire you?
 What makes you think you can handle this position?
 What is your most significant accomplishment to date?
 Why do you want to work here?
 Describe a leadership role of yours and tell why you committed your time to it.
 In a particular leadership role you had, what was your greatest challenge?
 Give me an example of an idea that has come to you and what you did with it?
 Give me an example of a problem you solved and the process you used?
 Give me an example of the most creative project that you have worked on.
 Tell me about a project you initiated?
 Describe the project or situation that best demonstrates your analytical abilities?
 Since attending college, what is the toughest decision that you have had to make?
 Tell me about your most difficult decision and how did you go about making it?
 What types of situations put you under pressure, and how do you deal with pressure?
 Give me a situation in which you failed, and how you handled it?
 Why are you interested in our organization?
 What type of position are you seeking?
 Where do you think your interest in this career comes from?
 What industry besides this one are you looking into?
 Why have you chosen this particular profession?
 What interests you about this job?
 What challenges are you looking for in a position?
 What can you contribute to this company?
 What motivates you?
 What turns you off?
 If I asked the people who know you well to describe you, what three words would they use?
 If I asked the people who know you for one reason why I shouldn't hire you what would they say?
 When you take on a project do you like to attack the project in a group of individually?
 Describe the type of manager you prefer.
 Tell me about a team project of which you are particularly proud and your contribution?
 Describe a situation where you had to work with someone who was difficult, how did you handle it?
 What type of work environment appeals to you most?
 With which other companies are you interviewing?
 What characteristics do you think are important for this position?
 Why do you feel that this company will be a career for you rather than a job?
 Name two management skills that you think you have?
 What characteristics are most important in a good manager? How have you displayed one of them?
 Why did you choose this college and how did you arrive at this decision?
 What factors did you consider in choosing your major?
 Describe how your favorite course has contributed your career interests?
 Since you have been at college, what is it that you are proudest of?
 How have you changed personally since starting college?
 What has been your greatest challenge?
 If you could change a decision you made while at college what would you change and why?
 Why did you choose the campus involvements you did? What did you gain? What did you contribute?


Saturday, December 11, 2010

I got my first real six-string
Bought it at the five-and-dime
Played 'til my fingers bled
It was summer of '69

Me and some guys from school
Had a Band and we tried real hard
Jimmy quit and Jody got married
I shualda known we'd never get far

Oh when I lock back now
That was seemes to last forever
And if I had the choice
Ya - I'd always wanna be there
Those were the best days of my life


Ain't no use in complainin'
When you got a job to do
Spent my evenin's down at the drive in
And that's when I met you

Standin on a mama's porch
You told me that you'd wait forever
Oh and when you held my hand
I knew that it was no or never
Those were the best days of my life

(Chorus) Back in Summer of '69

Man we were killin' time
We were young and restless
We needed to unwind
I guess nothin' can last forever, no

And now the times are changin'
Look at everything that's come and gone
Somethimes when I play that old six-string
I think about ya wonder what went wrong

Standin' on a mama's porch
You told me it would last forever
Oh the way you held my hand
I knew that it was now or never
Those were the best days of my life

In addition to doing research and practicing your answers to common interview questions, you should be aware of general interview etiquette. Remember the following points when preparing for an interview:  

Review your resume, and make sure that you can explain everything on it. Arrive at the interview ten minutes early to give yourself an opportunity to collect your thoughts and relax. Be aware that many employers will have their receptionists’ record the time you came in. If you rush in at the last minute, an employer may have serious concerns about your ability to arrive on time for a normal day at work.

Get a good night's sleep before your interview. You will think more effectively in the interview if you are rested. Also, yawning will not impress anyone. Eat something before the interview. If you are worried about your stomach growling, you will not be able to concentrate on the questions.

Dress appropriately for the position that you are applying to. Try to dress like the people who work there would dress if they were representing their organization at some function. If you are unsure about what to wear, always err on the side of being too dressed up.

Make sure that you are clean, neat, and well-groomed. Interviewers do notice your appearance, and first impressions are critical in an interview situation.

Take a copy of your resume, transcript, references and perhaps a portfolio or work samples with you. Also take a pen and paper, as you may want to record some important information.

